Summer camp workshops with the partner cities: Europe competence, media, volunteering in sport, dance performance in the youth summer camp of the partner cities



-          Young multipliers from thetwin citiesarrange different workshopsand diverse variouspromotionalactivities duringthe summer camp.They know and learn, and can so conveyingcivic engagement,theEU and its valuesand learn toappreciate them. The workshops are mainlyheld in the mornings, afternoonsaremostlyplannedseveralcapability-enhancinggroup activities.
Exploring thepartnercitiesandtherespectivecountries,customs and traditions, isanother focus.



expected results:

-          Development ofmultipliergroups,which will laterbe in theirown townsfor the cities ofpartnershipsactively involved.


-          Providing the necessary knowledge and skills to multipliers and to the acquisition of skills, the initiation and implementation of various international projects for the future.

-          Providing specific expertise: in youth work for European values ​​and long-term considerations about the future of Europe and a shared responsibility that results from it.

-          Getting to know the twinnig Network

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